Sunday, August 20, 2006

At last!

My ship crash lands on a planet. I start to wander around . I know one thing This isn't Earth. I have no idea what this place is. I just know I want another ship. How did the craft I have get here?

Banner it must be ! He sabotaged my settings! I became angry and punched several trees. Then these armored things swarm me talking about " the Mistress." someone else that wants a piece of the Hulk I see.

I Thunder clap and knock them all back . " Puny armored men are like puny humans , and the puny pinkies, They never leave me alone! They just keep messing with me ! Pushing me ! Now I push Back!"

I start slamming them with a huge boulder the shape of a club, some of them try to poke me with theses stupid knives. They break against my skin. I see this castle., and some girl. I reconise her one of the X-men!

I leap at her and some kind of invisible shield stops me. I'm not letting that stop me. I start punching it. She laughs until cracks form in it. Then her eyes widen in surprise. I love it when that happens.

" So the rumors are true ? You have infinite strength."

" I'm the strongest one there is! And you'll find that out personally if you don't take me to Xavier!"

She starts laughing again! This annoys me. " I don't see what's funny mutie!"

" Well first off you calling me a " mutant"I'm a goddess!"

" Thor's claimed that as well, I've fought him to a standstill more than once. Next time I meet him I'll finish him! You too unless you give me what I want!"

She smirks " Revenge on the ' illuminati?' "

" Get out of my Head!"

" Tell me Dr Banner, what do you think of the death of every human on the Earth?"

" I'm not Banner! And I don't care what happens to them. As long as I'm left alone ."

That's when I figured out what was going on. This girl has gone nuts. Whatever If she wants to play super villain it's not my business.

She' was reading my thoughts the whole time. " Ok I'll send you back to Earth. We both have the same goal. The Death Of Professor Charles Xavier. Since you won't interfere in my plans There's no reason I couldn't send you back."

She waves her hands next thing I know I'm in New York. But the place has been trashed. I see a paper the headline says" Registration act law." I have no idea what that is. Or what happened to the city. What I do know I have to choose which one of those traitors gets smashed first.

1 comment:

Professor Xavier said...

Since you're already in the city, I'd recommend heading over to the Baxter Building first. Yes, that's an excellent idea.