Saturday, October 07, 2006

I ain't joining your little war.

The other day I was minding own business for once. And Tony Stark, and Reed Richards show up , and start trying to recruit me. Of all the stupid things. These two sent me out into space , then ask me for a favor?

Well When I tell them where they can stick their offer. They attack me along with Wonder man. Richards bounces at me like a ball. I pull a lamppost out the ground and hit him away for a home run I hope he enjoys whatever country he landed in heh.

Meanwhile I'm fighting with Iron man , and Wonder man. Free Image Hosting -

I crushed Iron man's chest plate, and gave a special message to the Old Hollywood dork.

So after I leave them broken, and bruised. I find my self a nice little place in the woods, where I can be left alone. But do People leave me alone? Nooooooo! Capitan America, And Wolverine have to show up and mess and try to recruit me for there side. And here's my answers to both of them.
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I think I'm going To wait until this war's final battle, Then I'm going to crush the winning side. That way , no one will ever mess with me again.


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Why are you grabbing Wolvie by the crotch like that?

Wolverine said...

I feel violated.

Professor Xavier said...

For a guy that claims to just want to be left alone, you certainly do interact with others quite a bit, Hulk.

And that crotch-grab thing was totally not Hoyle.

Big Joe Fixit said...

That Green hulk weirds me out.