Thursday, June 15, 2006

Memed again

That runt Wolverine tagged me with Deadpool's Meme. But since I'm busy gettin' the new office remodeled it took me a couple a days ta get to it. I hear Magneto wants revenge on me ? Bah! He'll get smashed an' like it.

I should go find Wolverine and pay him back for this. Then again the last beatin' I put on the midget was pretty severe. So I guess we'll call it even. Now Wilson's waste of my time.

1. Other than yourself, pick the contestant that remains in Last Gladiator Standing you think will win? Aoc 's pretty funny.

2. What's your favorite color of Pink? none.

3. What's your favorite episode of Golden Girls none again.

4. If you were Anna Nicole Smith, what would you do with your child? I'm surprised that kid's alive.

5. How many figures am I holding up? Heey is that a green Hulk? Where's yer Fixit Figure? Get back here ya little punk!

6. Decipher this code: *66hsther;o adthaodf stop Deadpool really is havin' Henchman's baby. I did not wanna know that.

7. What's wrong with this Meme? It bugs me.

8. Create your own question and answer it Whos the Stongets one there is? Big Joe.

10. Do you have a man crush on Luke Cage? Man Crush? Well I did once crush Iron man, and Spider-man oh his head .

12. Are you the weakest link? That would be salad brain.

13. Are you prepared for the Dalek invasion over here? I 'll smash 'em.

14. Switch lives with one blogger for a year? Problem is I switch lives with two othr bloggers all'a time Banner and Green Hulk.

15. Who has the best sidekick in LGS? While I would like ta see how Magnifcant Becca really is, I'd have ta say Xavier.

16. If you watched the season finale of Doctor Who, what did you think'; Didn't watch it.

17. Do you know who Lookwell! Is? No unless he's got money otherwise I don't care.

18. Tag 3 people you wouldn't share socks with. No one tells Joe Fixit what ta do.


Professor Xavier said...

Hmm, Joe has a girlfriend? That's even more shocking than the meme.

Professor Xavier said...

Aww, that was kind of sad. Fortunately in our world those kinds of things are rarely permanent.

captain koma said...

Mr. Fixit I have a deal to ask you. About the pesky Terminator known as Sky. I am meaning to bring about her downfall. I require your assistance in this task.
Thanks Koma
-I already have Henchman with me