Sunday, February 19, 2006

Black mail and new partner

Well a certain professor in West chester has hired me ta take care o' the Juggernaut. Juggy is a tough one ta handle normally but he's somehow growin' an gettin bigger. I called up Dr Strange.

He said " There is some one feeding Marko's gem of Cyttorak even more mystical power. I will try to find a way to stop the feed but you'll have to hold him off Br... I mean Joe ." I decided since Doc Strange was gonna help me fer free I'd let him almost callin' me "Bruce ." go besides I didn't like the Crossroads tha first time.

I thought I needed some more muscle, I may be th' strongest one there is. But wit' magic ya can never be too sure . I looked through the muscle Guys I knew.

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Doc Samson? There 's no way besides my past wit' dis dork he'd be askin' Juggeranut about his mother an' how he's feelin' I'd have ta slap green hair half way through, besides that costume hurts my eyes.

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Yeah right. Besides tha fact he hates me the Abomination cries when he gets beat too much. I know I usually do tha beatin'

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Colussus would be perfect, he's strong and loyal two prblems, one he not too bright, two all the X-men are on some kind o' mission.

I Started lookin fer heroes Out side my neck o' tha woods. I came up wit , Superman the salad brain has fought 'im a couple o' times . My memories from Greenie are pretty spotty, but he seemed tough.

Too bad he don't have no skeletons in his closet. But his kid clone does.

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I called ,im ta my office.
" Yo waht the hell do you want?" He asked i gave him all the stuff about money. When that didn't work I appealled to his heroic side . " Look ya grey gargoyle I ain't teamin' up with a leg breaker. "

Then I had ta bring out tha Black mail," look kid ya don't help me dis picture goes out to tha tabloids an' tha pretty lil' Wonder girl ya got a thing fer.

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" What? I mean how'd you get that? I can explain...."

" I don't wanna hear it. Are ya gonna help me or not s- boy? "

" Yeah sure"

" Look I need ya ta get sumthin' outta yer pop's Fortress fer plan b. Meet me Jersey.

I leapt a jersey and the kid met me there, The Juggernaut came around a corner

Super boy yelled " He's as big as a house man!"

The Juggernaut said " Hey little people outta the way cause nothin' stops the Juggernaut."
Why does he have ta say that all the time.


Vegeta said...

That picture is just disturbing.

Big Joe Fixit said...

Ya I know Samson's costume is ugly ain't it?

Professor Xavier said...

Now that's what I call thinking outside of the box.